Detect AI-generated images without AI.
- Goals:
- High Accuracy, Low Cost
- Mathematical and Grey-Box Models
- Minimize Carbon Footprint
- Maximize Data Integrity
![Real VS AI Image](assets/images/supporting/realvsaiout.jpg)
Future-Proof Image Compression at Scale.
- Goals:
- Improve Image Quality
- Reduce Data Size
- Create Open-Source Standards
- Maintain Long-Term at Scale
![Compression Demo Image](assets/images/supporting/beforeafter.gif)
Photorealistic, Physically Correct Realtime Rendering.
- Goals:
- Realtime Pathtracing
- Reduce Render Time and Cost
- Work Within Existing Standards
- Lead a new era of Realtime Rendering
![Encoding Image](assets/images/supporting/encoding.jpg)
![split Images](assets/images/supporting/mathteach.png)
Understand the Approach
We want our models to be as transparent and understandable as possible. Because of this, we focus on grey-box and mathematical models, allowing us to fully leverage and tweak our detection techniques.
![split Images](assets/images/supporting/solar.png)
Reduce Carbon Footprint
AI puts a huge burden on the power grid and envionment. Our goal is to create models that minimze this burden, allowing us and our clients detect AI-generated content while still reaching their environmental goals.
![split Images](assets/images/supporting/lock.png)
Increase Transparency
Most of the largest AI models are locked behind both purposeful and unavoidable secrecy. Our goal is to make our tools widely available, and open source when possible.
![Credit: NASA](assets/images/supporting/nasa.png)
Improve Scalability
We want our tools to be a helpful addition — not a burdensome integration. Our tools will be available for a wide range of datastreams, making them easy to implement and scale but still very effective.
![Bg Shape](assets/images/bg/split-bg-shape.png)